Monday, June 04, 2007

Date through for Birmingham clinic

The letter came through today for Hannah's annual check up at Birmingham. It is the morning of Tuesday 10th July. She is not scheduled for an ultrasound or anything, but she is due for bloods. I am going to get them done there which means we won't have them on the day, but I'd rather that as I want to make sure her vitamins and the bile acid test get done. I can just imagine the fun (!) of trying to sort out getting those tests done round here, and I'd prefer for all tests to be done at once.

I hope we get to see Dr McKiernan as based on previous experience I will learn an awful lot more than if we see a registrar. I have a few little niggles I want to ask about. She seems to get tired more easily than she used to, but I don't know if that might be 'normal' rather than 'liver' as she is starting to grow out of her daytime naps. I also think she is starting to get some small spider veins on her face, and I want to ask if there is any plan if her labs this time have trended upwards again (there was a very slight upwards trend on the last lot but they were done because she was unwell so that could be why).

Well, with 5 weeks to go it looks like I better start work on my lists of questions. When we only go there once a year and the local checkups involve the doctor asking me how she is doing, then I make the most of it! I will have two - a registrar one and a Dr McKiernan one!


fairenuff said...

Good luck with the appointment. Doesnt it seem like forever when you are waiting for an apointment?! I hope the tiredness is just 'the usual' and not liver related. Big hugs and kisses for Hannah.

Anu said...

Hi My name is Anu and my son Krishna was diagnosed with EHBA last year. He is 15 months post kasai and it seems to be holding (whatever that means). Your blog has been an inspiration and a source of support to us over the past year. Hannah is always in our prayers

Sharon said...

Anu, I am so happy to hear that it has helped you to read Hannah's story. It is wonderful that Krishna is doing well so far. I will keep him in my prayers.