Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Quick update

There isn't too much to report. Hannah is still enjoying pre-school. Health wise she has not had any appointments or check ups, although she wasn't well with a virus at the beginning of last week and since then has been tired and extra itchy. Yesterday I noticed the skin is peeling off all her fingertips. I haven't decided yet if it is something I need to worry about or not.

Hannah will be three in August and I am wondering if I will ever have the strength to get her dummy off her. She has a thousand times as much willpower as me. She is not allowed to take it out of the house but it is a constant fixture in her mouth when she is at home. When we get back from our holiday in June I will have to tackle that and give her a bit more of a push towards potty training.

Hannah is due for her yearly check up in Birmingham in July. She will have bloods done and I think her vitamin levels and bile acids checked.

After a long battle, I have finally won disability living allowance care component for Hannah. This has been awarded on the ground of monitoring her medical condition for life threatening changes and also the treatments she needs for her itching.

I must make an effort to add more pictures of Hannah to this blog, and to finish off her medical history.


fairenuff said...

Yeah for the DLA. Yes, you must post more pictures! Give Hannah a kiss from me (and steal the dummy at the same time!LOL)
Hugs and kisses

Liz said...

Me again!
I am so totally with you on the dummy situation, having passed the potty thing we are now concentrating on that - having said that my own health visitor said to me "whats a dummy when you didnt know if he would be here or not" - somehow that put it all into perspective for me....
Kisses for you and Hannah and not forgetting Caitlin xxx
Liz x