Tuesday, August 21, 2007

It's the big day tomorrow!

I can't believe how fast the last few weeks have gone. At least the waiting is now over and this time tomorrow at least we will know one way or the other.

We went over to Birmingham for the bloods today. It seemed a bit weird turning up with no forms for the bloods; I found myself thinking we would get there and they would say "Hannah WHO???" Of course the forms were waiting in phlebotomy. Amazingly we went almost straight in (number 10 was in there and we were number 11) which I think was a lot to do with my choice of going at lunchtime when there weren't any clinics running.

Hannah has bloods frequently enough that she knows what to expect, but not frequently enough to make them a matter of course. It was so much easier when she was a baby and just angry that they were sticking a needle in her and then it was forgotten. She told me in no uncertain terms beforehand that she doesn't like getting her arm checked. She was fine until we got in there and then she started struggling and saying "I don't want you to do it". We just got on with it as quickly as possible, and while the needle was in her arm she kept saying "PLEASE take it out now, PLEASE" through floods of tears. As soon as it was over and she was introduced to a singing lobster and got her stickers she was all smiles again.

We stayed at the hospital for lunch and spent some time after at the outdoor play area. Hannah has the view that the hospital is really quite a fun place (apart from the arm checking) and I want to promote that as much as possible. She doesn't remember all that she went through as a baby of course and things have been so stable since that she has not had the opportunity to build up any fear.

Everything is ready for the extraordinarily early start tomorrow. We have read 'Katie goes to the hospital' (for an ear operation) several times and Hannah understands that she won't be allowed to eat or drink and that she will be put to sleep while the doctors take pictures of the inside of her tummy with a camera. She asked if I would leave her on her own at the hospital and I said I would be with her all the time, except I wouldn't be allowed in the room while they take the pictures. She is also prepared that she may have to stay overnight (hopefully not, but nothing is a given). I've packed for an overnight stay as if I didn't that would guarantee we would have to. And I checked out the location of the medical day care centre so we know exactly where we are going.

So, we're as ready as we will ever be. Hopefully the next time I update I will be able to say Hannah's labs are great and most importantly that she has no varices.

1 comment:

fairenuff said...

I am looking forward to the update tomorrow saying that Hannah has NO varices and her labs are great. Counting down the time...