Friday, August 03, 2007

Clinic letter and full list of bloods

"Height: 99.1 cm (91st centile)
Weight 15.0 kg (75th centile)

It was lovely to see Hannah in the outpatient clinic on 10 July 2007. She is full of life and energy and she looks extraordinarily well and is clearly making excellent physical and developmental progress.

Her ultrasound has shown a significant degree of splenomegaly so we discussed surveillance endoscopy. I will arrange an admission for this.

We also discussed what to do if she should have oesophageal varices and I will give the parents some information on a clinical trial of prophylactic banding.

In the normal course of things I would try and stop her Ursodeoxycholic Acid but in view of the itch I think it is reasonable to continue with this.


Haemoglobin = 11.9
White count = 5.7
Neutrophils = 1.7
Platelets = 263
PT = 11 secs
APTT = 35 secs
Fibrinogen = 2.1
Sodium = 139
Potassium = 4.0
Urea = 3.6
Creatinine = 40
Calcium = 2.62
Phosphate = 1.60
Magnesium = 0.84
Bilirubin = 5
Unconjugated bilirubin = 5
Alk. Phos. = 1057
ALT = 36
AST = 56
Gamma GT = 57
Albumin = 40
Total Protein = 70

She will be admitted on 22 August as a day case for endoscopy and will be reviewed here in one year's time or sooner if necessary."

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