Wednesday, March 02, 2005

A frustrating trip to the paediatric assessment unit

I've been a bit concerned that Hannah's tummy looks a bit swollen. I took her to the GP 3 weeks ago, he referred us to the local hospital children's ward. She was seen by a house officer (don't they rotate from one ward to the next every 3 months) who examined her for about 5 minutes. He didn't pull up any of the notes and protocols from the liver unit. He tapped her tummy but said he couldn't find any fluid, it was probably just wind. I don't feel that for a baby with a serious and rare condition we were taken seriously especially with the sinister implications of a swollen tummy in this condition - he had to ask me the name of the procedure she's had (in her notes surely). No bloods ordered or anything. Anyway I have spoken to her named consultant at the local hospital, he has been really helpful. We were due to go to his clinic for a routine visit Monday and he has asked for bloods before then (they weren't due for another month) because I'm concerned. So we go for bloods today and see him Monday - will update after that. I'm praying I'm just a paranoid mummy and everything is fine....We are also going to tell him that we are not happy about her being examined without the notes from Birmingham, and if we have to take her in with any possible liver related concerns then we want to see a senior doctor.

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