Tuesday, March 08, 2005

First clinic visit to local hospital

Hannah had her appointment yesterday with Dr Coad, the consultant paediatrician from the local hospital. Everything went brilliantly! He examined her tummy and said he could just feel the edge of her liver but nothing else. Her blood tests from last Weds have come back with "virtually normal" liver function! The numbers are stable from her last bloods on Jan 11th. So at the present time things couldn't be better, thank the Lord! He actually bought up the issue of taking her in to the children's ward and said we should always be seen by preferably a consultant but at least a registrar, and Birmingham's notes should always be referred to. Her weight is now up to 15lb 13oz.

Hannah has unfortunately been exposed to mumps! I am hoping that she'll have a natural immunity from me (I believe this is why they don't do MMR until 13 months) but am going to phone Birmingham to check. Big sister Caitlin is also poorly at the moment (not mumps!) and feeling a bit sorry for herself - seems to be some sort of virus - so hope none of the rest of us get it. Back to Hannah, we see Dr Coad again in 3 months, next bloods just beforehand. Next up is Hepatitis B vaccination next Tuesday.

Just as an aside I faced an inquisition from a pharmacist today as to why Hannah is on a long term low dose of antibiotic. Had to go into the whole biliary atresia/kasai/cholangitis saga in the middle of a crowded shop...ah well.

At the moment Hannah really is our 'miracle baby', we could not have dreamed that she would be doing so well at this stage, please pray with us that she continues to do so.

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