Saturday, February 10, 2007

Less itchy, apricots, and pre-school soon

Since I last posted Hannah's itching has gradually improved back to the normal level and her poos are also less icky. That is, apart from the one she did last week that consisted of pure apricots! That gave me quite a shock. Hannah picked up on my excitement and kept asking for more apricots so she could do 'another apricot poo'. Good heavens.

It is only just over two weeks until my baby girl starts at pre-school! We have talked it through....mummy is going to stay for a little bit and then go home and come and pick her up later. She will go on Wednesday and Friday mornings from 8:40 to 11:40. I have also put her application in for nursery next September. It is very scary how quickly it comes round to Hannah's turn to doing things that Caitlin has only just finished.

Hannah is still very two and very terrible, but full of life and joy, and I have discovered that nothing improves her behaviour more than removing her dummy and teddy (oh cruel mother). She loves singing (or songing as she calls it) and dancing. When we have song time at toddler group she jumps up after each one has finished and shouts 'Again, again!'. I'm sure she is destined for a career in showbusiness as she loves nothing more than to perform to an audience!


Anonymous said...

Happy Valentine's Day!
Always holding your family in my heart.

Liz said...

Sharon, glad to see you bloggin again! (he he cheeky thing) I can totally sympathise with the 2's thing Daniel is well into the terrible twos! ahhhhh....
Glad everything else is ok?!
Liz x