Hannah had her 8 month development check up on Wednesday. She now weighs 18lb 13oz and is still above the 50th centile line! She is very tall (perhaps I should say long!) at 73 cm (nearly 29 in).
Her development is completely normal for a baby of her age, which I really knew already but it's nice to have a health professional say it.
The doctor who examined her was asking about biliary atresia as she examined Hannah's tummy. I saw a look of concern come over her face, and she asked if Hannah had any symptoms now. I replied that her liver is enlarged, but stable, and the look of relief on her face was evident! She said she could just feel the edge of it. I can imagine that she just thought for a moment she would have to give me some bad news....
Hannah continues to be a complete livewire - I cannot imagine what a little terror she will be when she gets to Caitlin's age. At the moment she is into absolutely everything including picking up and eating microscopic particles from the floor. She is very difficult to keep amused and gets bored quickly, but overall is a very happy baby.
Coming up next - blood tests early June followed by a clinic appointment with Dr Coad on the 10th, then a much needed family holiday!!
Friday, May 06, 2005
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