Monday, May 08, 2006

Excellent Clinic Visit!

Hannah's outpatient appointment at the local hospital on Friday went very well indeed! She now weighs 12.2 kg (around 26 lb 12 oz) from the last weight of 10.75 kg which I was worried about back in no worries now. Her liver is still enlarged about 2-3 cm below her ribs, but has not got any bigger since November, and her spleen is not palpable. Her blood results were excellent (Bilirubin 8, ALT 25 � woo-hoo!, Alk Phos 275)

So although this was just a basic check up with a general paediatrician, it could not have gone any better, and I am VERY HAPPY! I am going to enjoy these results until we go over to Birmingham for a more detailed check up in the summer.